Friday, March 6, 2020

Richmond School District International

Richmond School District International Richmond School District International The International Programs Department,a revenue generating entitywithinthe British ColumbiaRichmond School District,runs a variety of programs both on and off shore. These programs include: full time international students in our Richmond schools, short term visiting international students, professional learning programs forChineseteachers and administrators,andsupporting schools abroadwith the provision of certified teachersand professional support. OFFSHORE POSITIONS For more than 10 years our District has been successfullyinoffering cooperative teachingprogramsin a variety of schools in Shenzhen, China. Teaching positions range from Grade 1 to 9. While the majority of the instructiondelivered is focused on EFL, our teachers do have the opportunity to teach other subject areas from time to time. All the teachingpositions are within the Chinese public schoolsand follow the Chinese curriculum. Our purpose in Shenzhenistwo-fold:to provide excellent English instruction and to provide opportunities for Chinese school teachers, administrators and parentsto observe ourCanadianteachingmethodologies. To date, the program has proven to be interesting and rewarding for allteacherparticipants, students, professional staff and parents. We hope to continue to deliver and improvethisverysuccessful program for many years to come. It is with this in mind, that we are offering up to 8 classroom positions for certified Canadian teachers for the 2017/18 school yeari n Shenzhen, China. The compensationpackage for our offshore teachers is similar tothat ofa teacher working in our school district. Compared to other teaching positions in China,these positions are some of the best teaching opportunities forqualifiedforeign teachers. Upon completion of a successful assignment in China most of our teachers have returned tothe Richmond School Districtto join our schools as full time teachers. Should you be interested in a position and/or wishmore information, pleasedo nothesitate to contact me at the email below. R. Hudson Senior Assoiciate Richmond / Shenzhen Program

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